Kate Alexander * AppNexus * Lee and Sherri Archer * Mike Callahan * Louis Cetta
Annie and Marianne Couch-Huerter * Mathew Sean Coyle * Michael Dalto * Jim deProphetis
Margaret Bramwell Doyle * Elizabeth Duda * Jocelyn Fitz-Gibbon * Cheri Folgeman * Matthew Gilbert
Greg Giles * John Goolsby * Julia Granacki * Mary Greiert * Rosalind Greiert * Steven Greiert
Carmen Grossman * Marilyn Hunt * Adam Knight * Brandon Lee * Emily Lee * Marcy Lovitch * Brad Makarowski Sarah Matteucci * Nancy Nelson * New York Production Services, Inc. * Primary Stages * Sophie Oberfield
John Nicholas Pierce * Hilary Polk * Sherry Randal * Sylvie Richards * Sarah Ann Steele * Traci Swain
Nicole Swanson Design * Richard Theriot * Barbara Volgel * Kathleen Wallace * Anna Weber
Dr. Gisele Wolf-Klein * Peggie Kohnert and Richard Yount * Evan Bass Zeisel
Jacqueline Vischer and John Zeisel
BeFitNYC, DistilledNY, Fault Line Theatre Company,
The Law Office of Sylvie L.F. Richards PLLC, and Manhattan Mini Storage
We are a creative collective of female actors, directors, and producers focused on independently generated work built upon the voices of up and coming female writers.
click here to learn more